The Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland
(Formed as the Fellowship of British Baptists in 1994, and renamed FBBI in 2011)
The Fellowship brings together the Baptist Unions of Scotland, Wales and Great Britain, BMS World Mission and Irish Baptist Networks for informal meetings and shared activities in the areas of mission and ministry.
The group is chaired by Stephen Adams from the Irish Baptist Networks.
The Baptist Union of Scotland (formed 1869)
Resource House, 48 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH
T: 0141 423 6169 Fax: 0141 424 1422
Contact BUS by email
Website: www.scottishbaptist.org.uk
General Director Revd Alan J Donaldson |
The Baptist Union of Wales (formed 1866)
Y Llwyfan, Trinity Saint David University College, College Road, Carmarthen SA31 3EQ
T: 01267 245660 Fax: 01267 245680
Contact BUW by email
Website: www.buw.org.uk
General Secretary Revd Judith Morris
The Baptist Union of Wales has two Assemblies, the English Assembly and the Welsh Assembly, and although these meet separately and elect Presidents, both are an integral part of the one Union. |
BMS World Mission (formed 1792)
PO Box 49,129 Broadway, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 8XA
T: 01235 51770 Fax: 01235 517609
Contact BMS by email
Website: www.bmsworldmission.org
It was originally called the Particular Baptist Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Amongst the Heathen, but for most of its time it was known as the Baptist Missionary Society. The current name was adopted in 2000.
General Director Dr Kang-San Tang
Baptist Union of Great Britain (formed 1832)
Baptist House, PO Box 44, 129 Broadway, Didcot OX11 8RT
T: 01235 517700
Contact us by email
Website: www.baptist.org.uk
General Secretary Revd Lynn Green
Irish Baptist Networks (formed 2009)
c/o 25 Ameracam Lane, Kilkeel Newry, Co Down, Northern Ireland BT34 4LN
T: 028 4176 4779
Contact IBN by email
Website: www.ibnetworks.org
Chairman Dr Hadden Wilson
Hon Secretary Stephen Adams
Irish Baptist Networks represents a small group of Irish Baptists who are seeking to... 'encourage fellowship with the global Baptist family'. It has individual members, and has partnered with over 20 Irish Baptist churches in activities. It is managed by the Directors of I B Networks Trust, a charitable company registered with HMRC. |