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The man who rode 100 miles and raised £1,000 for BMS

Inspired and impressed – that’s how we think you might feel after finding out how Tony Pike cycled a 100-mile race to raise money for a BMS World Mission supported hospital in Chad

Cycling 100 miles in one go. We’re sweating just thinking about it. But, would you do it if you knew that the money you would raise could help thousands of babies to be born safely in Chad? And that more people would come to know Jesus?

It was that motivation and Tony’s passion for cycling that fuelled his decision to participate in the RideLondon-Surrey 100 in July. Around 30,000 people participated in the 100-mile ride that began in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, went out into Surrey and finished at Buckingham Palace.

“I really enjoy cycling,” says Tony. “I like doing something that’s a bit stretching, a bit beyond what you can normally do.”

Tony got really into cycling after retiring and initially heard about the opportunity to do the RideLondon-Surrey 100 through an email sent out by BMS. Growing up in a Baptist church, he had heard a lot about BMS ever since he was a child and he was excited to be able to use his passion for cycling to raise money for a good cause.
“It was important for me to have strong reason to do this ride,” says Tony. “I couldn’t think of a better incentive than to support an organisation like BMS. Particularly for people who want to support an organisation that’s sharing the Christian gospel.”

The £1,000 that Tony raised is going towards the work of BMS-supported hospital, Guinebor II (G2), in Chad. Located near the capital, N’Djamena, G2 has a new maternal health centre (funded by BMS supporters) that provides excellent care for women and babies born in a country with one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world.

Since the centre officially opened last December, there have been over 5,000 births! Along with providing a safe environment for mothers and babies, G2 is a fully-functioning hospital. Despite having limited resources, G2 is treating the sick, conducting much-needed operations and even has an outreach programme to the local Muslim community.

“I think the fundraising went so well because of where the money was going,” says Tony. “With the money going to G2 Hospital, it was the combination of that work being social action and sharing the gospel that got people interested.”

Did Tony’s story inspire you to do some creative fundraising for BMS and help us transform more lives? Maybe you don’t cycle, but we’ve got good news, there’s lots of other ways to help. Running, hosting a coffee morning at church, shopping, collecting stamps, or even giving a car! The possibilities are endless.

This article first appeared on the website of BMS World Mission and is used with permission. 



BMS World Mission, 05/10/2016
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