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Marathon challenge at Spurgeon's College

College vice principal Peter Morden is training to be Spurgeon's first-ever official London Marathon participant in April 2015

Peter, who is a keen runner, hopes to raise sponsorship to provide vital bursary funds for students in training for mission and ministry at the College.
Peter MordenAs he explains in his blog (spurgeonsmarathon.wordpress.com), this will be the first marathon he has attempted, although there are a couple of half marathons in his past! He’s set himself two ambitious targets: to run the 26.2 miles in under four hours and to raise £5,000 to help students in hardship.
Peter said, 'I really believe in the cause I’m running for. Spurgeon’s College is a great place to work and what we do is strategic – training men and women in discipleship for Christian mission and ministry.
'As Vice Principal at Spurgeon’s College I meet students who have truly sacrificed in order to train for Christian leadership.

'Even if they are eligible for a student loan, the government caps loans for students at private colleges, so they have to find at least £2000 extra every year just to pay their fees.

'And on top of that, many struggle to make ends meet in their normal living expenses and for their families. And of course, if they already have a degree they’re not eligible for a loan anyway. This can lead to real hardship, or even to very good students having to drop out from their courses.'
Spurgeon’s College is inviting people to support Peter Morden in three ways: pray, give and follow.

Supporters can pray for his preparation, health and energy, sponsor Peter and help him reach his target and follow his story in a special marathon blog.


Baptist Times, 15/12/2014
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