Anti-human trafficking group meets police in Wales
South Wales Police’s Jeff Norman will address the Evangelical Alliance’s anti human trafficking network in Cardiff on Thursday this week (3 October).
Made up of a broad collation of local churches, this network represents dozens of Christians in Wales who are campaigning to expose and end this practice. Members of the group are also engaged practically in helping victims of human trafficking after they have been freed from their ordeal.
Jeff is the force’s single point of contact for human trafficking and will talk about his work; South Wales Police’s Operation Eagle and take questions from the group.
Only days after Operation Imperial saw police raids on properties in the Marshfields area there are growing concerns about the extent of human trafficking in the nation.
Jim Stewart, Public Affairs and Advocacy Officer for Evangelical Alliance Wales said, 'With the issue of human trafficking now dominating the news agenda this is a timely opportunity to discuss strategies to combat this social evil. Churches and other faith groups are campaigning vigorously on this issue and we appreciate Jeff’s willingness to give us an insight into his work.'
The meeting will take place on Thursday 3 October from at 2pm at Evangelical Alliance Wales, 20 High Street, Cardiff CF10 1PT.
Gethin Russell-Jones, 02/10/2013