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Co-researcher reports


In this section you will find sixteen pieces of research undertaken by women ministers over the last three years.  The first document explains how the research took place and how the co-researchers worked together. Please click here for this Introduction to the Research.

Click here to download all the Co-researcher reports and graphic recordings in a single zipfile or find the individual documents below. (Please be aware that, due to the large file sizes, the two videos (from Hayley and Susan) are not included in the zipfile but can be accessed and downloaded individually from the links below).

The women are listed according to their role when they conducted their research.

First group of co-researchers:

BethPowney Beth Powney
Eastern Baptist Association

Evaluating the impact of the MagnifyYou programme as an intentional way of developing women leaders.  MagnifyYou is an ongoing programme of development for women ministers in three regional associations.
CarolBostridge Carol Bostridge
London Baptist Association

The relationship between marital status and hearing and following a call and then growing and flourishing in ministry.
ClareHooper Clare Hooper
Southern Counties Baptist Association

Enabling SCBA to celebrate women leaders.
HayleyYoung Hayley Young
Northern Baptist Association

Enabling Millennial women to flourish in leadership.
HelenStokley Helen Stokley
Spurgeon’s College

Enabling women to prepare for ministerial training so they can engage and flourish as Ministers in Training.

Second group of co-researchers:

AlexandraEllishCarmelMurphyEll Alex Ellish
Baptist Minister and Urban Expression Co-ordinator

Carmel Murphy Elliott
Baptist Minister and Community Organiser

Women’s experience of pioneering contexts
ClaireNicholls Claire Nicholls
Minister New Addington Baptist Church

Developing a London Baptists Women’s Justice Hub
SarahCrane Sarah Crane           
Head of Chaplaincy, Milton Keynes University Hospital

Comparing women’s experience of NHS chaplaincy and local church and trans-local Baptist ministry

Third group of co-researchers:

AfiKirk Afi Kirk
Minister, Blackheath and Charlton Church Baptist Church

Understanding the barriers to training and accreditation for women whose called is recognised
CharmaineMhlanga Charmaine Mhlanga
Minister, Sundon Park Baptist Church

Evaluating the impact of 'I am because you are' resource on ministers
AmuthaDevaraj Amutha Devaraj
Minister, Ashurst Drive Baptist Church 
Understanding the journey into ministry for Asian women
PamSearle Pam Searle
Minister, Sutton Baptist Church

The experiences of women who leave Baptist Church ministry

Fourth group of co-researchers :

DeniseDobie Denise Dobie
Baptist Minister, Darkhouse Baptist Church

Women’s experience of how the menopause impacts on ministry and how Baptist institutions respond
LauraGilmour Laura Gilmour
Chaplain, Strathcarron Hospice and member of Hillhead Baptist Church, Glasgow

Exploration of how caring responsibilities, across the life cycle, impact and shape the ministry and experiences of women in Baptist ministry
SusanMyatt Susan Myatt
Baptist Minister of Open Hands Signing Church, a location of Rising Brook, Stafford, and National Deaf advisor in the Heart of England Baptist Association, and is also seconded one day a week as Deaf Advisor for Lichfield Diocese

Exploring the journey into, and potential barriers Deaf women face in ministry within the Baptist Union

Receptive Space


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