Ms Karen Martindale (Moderator)
Karen was born in Guyana, coming to the UK as a small child. She is currently the Administrator and Company Secretary of Heart of England Baptist Association, having served them in various roles since 1989. Prior to that she worked in the voluntary sector after graduating from the University of London. She has served as trustee of a variety of charities and, in addition to her role with BUC, she is Chair of Governors of the Northern Baptist College.
Mr John Levick (BUGB Treasurer)
John is a member and deacon of Castle Hill Baptist Church in Warwick. Since retiring early from banking in 2005 he was Treasurer of the Heart of England Baptist Association until taking on the role of the Union's Treasurer in 2016. John also serves as a trustee of the Baptist Building Fund and attends Pension Fund Trustrees as employer representative.
Mr Richard Wilson (Support Services Team Leader)
Richard's priority is to equip our member churches and others in front line mission to be fully effective in reaching their communities for Christ. He believes he is called to bring the experience he has built up in nearly 20 years of work in the commercial world to our Baptist family.
Mr Peter Walls (representing the Central Baptist Association) |
Mr Stephen Powney (representing the Eastern Baptist Association) |
Dr Chris Hanning (representing the East Midlands Baptist Association)
Chris is a member and former long-serving church secretary of Whetstone Baptist Church, Leicestershire. He currently serves as the Project leader for the church’s major building project. A retired Consultant in Sleep Medicine, he lives in South Leicestershire with his wife, Margaret, three chickens and 50,000 bees.
VACANCY (representing the Heart of England Baptist Association) |
Mr Olusegun Obidipe (representing the London Baptists)
Olu is a Chartered Management Accountant and member of Harringay United Church - Baptist. In addition to serving as a BUC Director, Olu is also a Director of London Baptists and a member of the BMS World Mission Council of Reference. |
Mr David Lennox (representing the Northern Baptist Association)
David is a former High School Head of Mathematics and for 14years part of the SMT of a Secondary School. He is a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and was a Chief Examiner in Statistics. For many years he was the Association Secretary for the NBA and a Regional Tutor for Northern Baptist College. He is currently a Police Chaplain and the Free Church rep on the Northumberland CC Family and Children's Committee. |
The Revd Andrew Hawksworth (representing the North Western Baptist Association)
Andrew trained as an architect and worked for over 30 years as a Director of a Christian led multi-disciplinary practice in Manchester. In 2015 he followed God's call into church-based ministry, training at Westminster Theological Centre and Northern Baptist College. He was ordained in July 2019 and inducted as one of the ministers at Altrincham Baptist Church. |
Mr Mike Southcombe (representing the South Eastern Baptist Association)
Mike is a member of Sheddingdean Baptist Church, Burgess Hill, West Sussex. He was in the Construction and Development business for 38 years before retiring in 2010. He is now involved in helping churches and other charities in building and development projects, where he is able to use his expertise for the extension of God's Kingdom.
The Revd Chris Lewis (representing the South Wales Baptist Association)
Chris is a Baptist minister who has been much involved in workplace and community chaplaincy in the Midlands and now in his native Swansea over 30 years. He has served as a director of other not-for-profit companies and is the current chair of The Swansea East Side Food Bank, a registered charity. |
VACANCY (representing the South West Baptist Association) |
Mr Jerry Ponsford (representing the Southern Counties Baptist Association)
Jerry was employed in various aspects of banking in his early working life before changing careers to work for housing associations in London and on the South Coast. His roles initially involved financial management and accounting. Latterly he became involved in the financial project management and business development of large building projects. After retirement he served in the Leadership of Christchurch Baptist Church including seven years as treasurer.
Mr Rob English (representing the West of England Baptist Association)
For most of my professional life I've been a property lawyer working within a private client team in private practice in Bristol and Bath. I am currently the manager of WEBA and its Trust Co. I am in leadership of a local Baptist church in Bristol.
The Revd Ann Chesworth (representing the Yorkshire Baptist Association) |
Mr Graham Ward (Co-opted Director)
Graham is a member and has served as a deacon of Brighton Road Baptist Church, Horsham. He is passionate about mission in all its forms and has participated and led two mission teams to Cambodia with Tearfund. He has over 20 years of experience in Project Management in the commercial world and sees his role as facilitating the local mission of churches by effective use of the shared resources of the whole Baptist family.
Mr Stephen Welch (Co-opted Director)