Transformational - freeing people
Rupert Lazar's presidential theme
‘Anointed to do good’ draws from Acts 10:38:
‘... how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the
power of the devil, because God was with him.’
Within this theme, Rupert explores six key areas:
Acts 10:38 makes it clear that Jesus went around healing people:
Those physically sick and oppressed by demons
Those spiritually lost ie under the power of the devil. Remember that Satan oppresses and deceives – scripture tells us he comes ‘to steal, and kill and destroy’ John 10:10. Jesus comes that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Jesus’ ministry of doing good is about promoting the well-being of others, which is about transformation, folks. It is about freeing people from whatever it was that kept them from enjoying a loving relationship with God their Father. This is the gospel, the good news – an encounter with Jesus changes lives!
I’m sure you remember Jesus’ manifesto (Luke 4:18-19) where Jesus stated clearly that he came to preach good news to the poor; to set captives free; to proclaim freedom for the prisoners; recovery of sight for the blind; to release the oppressed. There it is! Whatever has enslaved or imprisoned a person and keeps them away from God – Jesus has come to set them free. So whether it is past failures; or past experiences that has so shaped us that we hold a distorted or wrong view of who we are – Christ has come for all to know the joy of being a new creation 2 Cor.5:17.
Read again and remind yourself what Jesus has declared all Christians to be: salt of the earth Matt.5:13; light of the world Matt.5:15; chosen and appointed to bear fruit John 15:16; joint heir with Christ Rom.8:17. So please do not allow Satan to deceive you into thinking/believing you are anything less!
Friends, God is omnipotent, he is all powerful and he still has the power to change people’s lives. Actually God has NEVER lost that power – it is we - his children - who have lost confidence in the powerful God who is our Father. Hebrews 13:8, ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever’.
Watch this video to hear Rupert explore this theme.
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