Modern Model Trusts
There are three different Modern Model Trusts for church sites and buildings promoted since 1951 called the Fuller Trusts, Fairbairn Trusts, and the Baptist Trusts for Churches 2003.
The three different Modern Model Trusts for manses and residential property promoted since 1951 are called the Kingsgate Trusts, Holborn Trusts, and the Baptist Trusts for Manses 2004.
For an explanation about Modern Model Trusts please read
T02 Modern Model Trusts and
T08 Manse Trusts and perhaps revisit our general page on Church Trusts and Manse Trusts for more information.
T05 Fuller Trusts
T06 Fairbairn Trusts
T07 Baptist Trusts for Churches 2003
T09 Kingsgate Trusts
T10 Holborn Trusts
T11 Baptist Trusts for Manses 2004
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